This is a really great game and I recommend getting it and playing it! I don't understand why this game isn't popular, like c'mon Borderlands is a MASTERPIECE, the games are great (like the Halo Series and the Super Smash Bros Series)! I know this is kinda stupid but, one time I was looking up videos to watch on YouTube but then I saw a thumbnail going like "Duhhhh batman x fortnit = good and borderlunds x fortnit - buud uhh" WHILE BATMAN AND FORTNITE MAKE NO SENSE TOGETHER WHILE BORDERLANDS AND FORTNITE DO (just to let you know i hate fortnite and like minecraft so please don't hate on me). I even didn't like the borderlands series back then, but when this game came out, I just started LIKING the series. If you don't play Borderlands 3, your 99.9999999% a fortnite liker.