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Can't view links?
I could solve problem from here thx!

Yes this makes a ton of sense

It seems to be the problem

New to the site and its a bit of a weird system tbh, but ty for the responses to his question, helped me as well

my level doesn't get increased yet

had the same problem, this helped

had same issue, thanks for clarification

you need to comment on forums rather than just the leaked portion of the site. Contribute to the community as a whole. Idea At

How many points do you get per post? Lol


Great thanks so much for that

Thanks for the advice Smile

Does the contributer level need to be greater than 0, 20, or 100. It seems very unclear unfortunately

Does this apply to Onyx level also?

i still cant view links and im not negative and i liked the post, im so lost can anyone help?

i still cant view links and im not negative and i liked the post, im so lost can anyone help?

thank ou for info. this system i did not see thru

now I get why I cant see links even though i replied or liked the post

Okay cool thanks

Because replying doesn't lower contribution scores anymore a reply in a leak thread probably wont unlock anything anymore

same problem, thanks for the tips

wait, I'm not sure this is doing anything

The way to make points and stuff is to post threads...this has changed the incentive from having conversations to starting them...

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