Thanks for clearing that up man. In all honesty I didn't even know there was a general section here. I am actually enjoying the general convo. It sort of reminds me of discord. I really like this concept. Definitely gonna start using the site more.
I understand the way the system works but why then have both contributor lvl and credits. Both the contributor lvl and credits accumulate by doing the same things so I think it confuses people as to what needs to be done in order to actually enjoy using your forum. Or is it just a way to get people to buy a membership to the forum, which I would totally understand. Running a site is neither cheap nor easy.
Good explanation for a new user here. I get there is some security through obscurity going on here, but I would have some general numbers on how many long one must participate for credits
Completely new here, so I'm trying to understand this... Does this mean there's a minimum I need to get to in order to view links and content, and if I fall below that minimum in future the stuff will get locked away from my viewing again?