Coronavirus Discussion
Most likely not.

It'll stay a terrible problem in China, but I think most places outside should be okay. It's already infected more people quicker than SARS did, but hopefully the death toll doesn't reach or exceed it. Just going to have to wait and see.

I feel like there's a lot of fear mongering involved but it definitely is a serious issue. It scared me at first because I was reading The Stand when I first heard of it lol

Yeah clearly it is a problem but no doubt the scaremongering element will get out of control.

It looks like response is fast compared to SARS. More media coverage now compared to then so it looks overblown.

I doubt it, it'll blow over in a month or so once a proper med is made

Yup we're all gonna die

virus is gonna get contained in china from the travel bans, we gonna okay

We should be good, lucky it hasn't mutated (YET) with deadly symptoms.

I don't think it's as big of a deal as media paints it out to be. Just them trying to drum up views

it already has, but hopefully will be in much smaller numbers

I mean there have been a lot of outbreaks (i.e ebola and some other virus) but it didn't decimate the world. It mainly killed impoverished people who had no access to health care. Honestly, coronavirus is scary, but I'm not too worried about it destroying the world

no need to worries

STAY STAFE!!!!!!!!

Media always sensationalize things for views/clicks

plague inc real life wdp ey ey

I hope the technology available now will help stop it from spreading. However we know people can be stupid and make mistakes in their own selfishness like Chinese govment. and others. Losing faith in those with power to make the right decisions but not much we can do.

It seems like some regions (eg: India) had the number under control

Aside from China, Japan has a large number of infected people from a ferry

caesar_caesar Wrote:It seems like some regions (eg: India) had the number under control

Aside from China, Japan has a large number of infected people from a ferry
Considering the high death count that shit scares me lol.

there are 8 cases in my country now, should I quit my job and hide for a few years now?