Free credits
confusing system overall

Weird system tbh

So im at -5. Let me post this and i shall go check if it went up at all for posting this. I shall be back

So im still at the same -5. Not sure how im supposed to bring it up...

I have posted in a few gaming threads and my rep has not improved BUT i now have 4 credits instead of 1 so. Pretty easy to understand system for credits at least.

Is it one credit per reply?

Thanks for it

Hope this works

Not sure how many credits a post is but we shall see.


thanks for explain

sort of makes sense

I understand i think

This was very helpful I was wondering the same thin

does it mean if you post/reply on nonleak topics you will earn credits? is there a chart how the calculation works? like how many credits can you earn from contributing leaks to the forum and how many can you earn from replying etc.

I'm confused as well as to how credits work

Does anyone know how to help?

you just have to post and it works nice

I think i get it

You get credits by contributing to the forum.

welcome to the forums just post in introductions or general forum you will earn credits and good will but post in leaked sections you will lose good will

Thanks for the info dude

Really? You get credits for that?

just by posting or keeping active i'll earn credits? but how much post will i need to reply? LOL

Спс thank you