GTA 5 or Read Dead Redemption 2? which one to buy?
t tried rdr2 and it is the best!!!

GTAV if you want entertainment RDR2 if you want western stuff.

Both seem like a good choice but I prefer GTA V

there will be a new gta before theres a new red dead so id go with red dead, plus its more enjoyable for me

Get Red Dead for sure, GTA is congested with hackers and honestly isn't that fun anymore.

Both are good games, but if you are strictly playing single player then I think Red Dead Redemption 2 has a better story.

Definitely Red dead 2.
The gameplay is so much more fun in red dead compared to gta, also the story is amazing.
The online part of red dead is not worth your time. (it's just filler content)
Take your time with the single player don't rush it, do all the side missions you come across, explore and turn off your mini-map.

GTA V. It's currently cheap and the storyline is nice.

GTA V for sure, way more content

I assume you will play that on PC, so use mods - GTA has a lof ot them. RdR2 lack at mods for now (blocked creating at some point), with gameplay mods for GTA5 - new AI, new gun mechanics, better police and weapons game is a A LOT OF more fun than rdr2.

GTA 5. With the online mode Rockstar are constantly updating the game due to popularity (which means more money for them -_-) even though its older than RDR2. Also RDR2 online feels like a wild west simulator minus the cowboy action (extremely boring imo).

GTA for me, got both but at times it feels like red dead 2 (especially) can take forever to actually do anything, just feels like your grinding to get to the next point of the game, whilst gta... good story, plus can always have a fun rampage now and again... og red dead is always a good shout though

Red dead redemption in my opinion is much better Gta