Good indie games
What are some cool indie games to try that someone may have not heard of?

Most of your good indie games don't follow mainstream formula, so it's hard to say what you might like... that being said, these are among my favorite games of all time:

Undertale (Bullet Hell/RPG)
Subnautica (Survival)
Darkest Dungeon (Dungeon Crawler)
Pillars of Eternity (D&D-like RPG)
Amnesia (Survival Horror)
To the Moon (RPG-maker game)
Darkwood (Survival Horror)
Don't Starve (Survival)
The Stanley Parable (Psychological... thing)

Those are just what come to mine when I think of indies that are arguably better than AAA budget-holes.

[+] 1 user Likes yourlocalbob's post
Rimworld is one I'd suggest

[+] 1 user Likes 24446444's post
ZeroRanger is a fantastic, cheap, and beginnner friendly shmup. Best soundtrack ever, and its a great game to boot!

try jrpg, some of them r cool

I've played a little bit of Titan Souls recently and found it particularly interesting, different than pretty much everything else I had played before.

Stardew Valley is awesome if you want to just chill out for a bit

Cultist simulator is really interesting and unique. It's a long game and I loved every minute of it.