Good starting language?
I've always wanted to be a programmer, i started learning C# while working with Unity and honestly i'm not very sure i want to continue learning it, i was thinking about learning Python, people say it's one of the easiest ones, but it being so different from other languages doesn't make me interested in it since in the future i want to program in multiple languages, so, am i being dumb and should just go to Python and get back to C# after i get better at programming? Should i just stick with C#? Or should i just learn another language, like javascript.

Your chosen language is your choice. If you're fine with C# then theres nothing stopping you from learning it. It's just easier to start with Python because of how simple it is to learn the principles that all languages share. Again, if you want to program in multiple languages in the future, theres no harm in switching if you dont know what you're doing, but if you want to do some kind of order, go Java or Python. Otherwise, C# is completely fine to learn.

[+] 1 user Likes jaaunaa111's post
Thats depend what your aim in your programming

If you want to involve more esp in data processing, python is one of the best
If you want to develop web apps, mobile apps. Javascript is one of the most versatile

Any programming language is good and have their own advantage

For me, if you want to learn, practice more on the fundamental like algorithm, programming logic; e.g recursive, sorting, etc
Since it applies in almost every programming language

[+] 1 user Likes rickalterego's post
Quote:For me, if you want to learn, practice more on the fundamental like algorithm, programming logic; e.g recursive, sorting, etc

Since it applies in almost every programming language

I can't stress this enough. You're going to find the language that fits your use case. Sometimes that will be because that language is better at a task, and sometimes it will be because you don't have a choice. Regardless of what language you are using the fundamentals of good programming, and problem solving are waaaaaaaaay more important in my opinion. Building good habits and developing your fundamentals takes time, but there will always be stackoverflow and the internet to help with syntax and other language specific issues.

I would say that it's important how easy is your first language because if you will be able to see results it will be easier to keep learning. And that is the key, learn with baby steps, day by day for long periods of time. This is a secret of success Smile

Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile

You should go with what programming language you want to learn. Do you want to develop games in Unity and C#? Then keep learning. Do you want to do data analysis with Python? Then learn python. Your curiosity will drive you forward.

Since your aim is to start programming (and once learnt, can't be unlearnt), I'd also recommend Python. There are a lot of good starting books such as Think Python. Be sure to start from Python3 since Python2 will soon disappear.

I stared with python. I think it doesn't really matter as programming languages have a lot in common with each other. Especially the basics are very similar. Learning the logic of loops and such is much more important the the syntax which can be relearned.

I started with C# but had to learn Python for some automation with my job. The skills I learned with Python really helped with C#

I would personally say Python, just because it's based on the fundamentals of a lot of other core languages, but doesn't have as many syntax idiosyncrasies. Also, you can run a script right away without needing a compiler, JVM, etc. For basics of programming, I think it's the best bet.

IMO to get better at programming it is more important to develop problem solving skill, be able to think about a problem and think of a way to solve it in a series of step, then translate that into code. Other skill that are super important are able to debug quickly and able to read the documentation, search for solution online.

There are various programming concepts that you will need to be familiar with but that can be learned with most language.

Everyone should know 1 scripting language that is good for rapid prototyping so they can quickly write a program to solve everyday problem. Otherwise just learn the language needed for what you want to do, such as c# for unity.

JavaScript!! ??

The typical ones is python, and java. I find them user friendly and there is a lot of examples and docs for thrm

Python is great because the type system is pretty flexible, but I've also seen people get confused. I guess it comes down to what you are trying to achieve. Python is great for data exploration, Javascript is great for data visualization (think D3), Rust is great for low level optimized routines, Go is great for modern microservices. All depends on what you want to get done.

Would highly encourage you to base your languge choice on the project you want to undertake.

Yo I am in the same boat with you with the C# start then python. I think it different but I find it more people in the job realm search for python. Though its not the one language thatll get you there its more of learning the full stack

I would say python and java

[+] 1 user Likes john welling's post
I started on JavaScript

Python for sure !

It depends if you need FE or BE. 

RE: Good starting language?.

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should give u a good path