Great single player games
I'm looking to play a game that would take 20-40 hours to complete so I have something to do after work.
preferably a game with a great storyline, good gameplay is optional.
 All recommendations are appreciated.

Witcher 3 has an amazing story. Dishonored is pretty fun and the gameplay is phenomenal. Bioshock Infinite.....Metro 2033/Metro Last light

[+] 1 user Likes ghulaky123's post
If you haven't already played them I would start with Uncharted (I think it's free on ps plus right now)

Witcher 3 is probably the best answer but the original Halo Trilogy is so freaking good.

I also agree... the witcher 3 is one of the best stories out there and one of the most fun single player games i have ever played

Devil May Cry probably one of the best out there!

[+] 1 user Likes oriwa's post
Witcher 3 is very good and you can pick it up pretty cheap now

All the God of War games are great.

If you want to turn that 20 - 40 into 60 - 80 try some of the Persona games

[+] 1 user Likes sadfass's post
If you haven't played Skyrim yet, i'd recommend you do.

Fallout New Vegas has a great story with multiple paths

pc/xbox or ps. last of us is really good

Can't go wrong with Deus Ex. The original still holds up IMO as an incredible game. And if that's too old for you, there's always the more recent prequels Deus Ex Human Revolution and Deus Ex Mankind Divided. I've admittedly never gotten around to playing Deus Ex Invisible War (sequel to the original) because it gets a bad rap. Everything else in the series though? *chef's kiss*

took me 3 days to complete, pokemon shield was dope to play!

[+] 1 user Likes hollandbfast's post
The Outer Worlds, i alredy completed but its just a fun game!

the witcher 3 is amazing

Frostpunk is pretty good if you're into that kind of game.

NieR Automata for sure, amazing story and fun gameplay as well. Tales of Berseria is also really good with story and gameplay

go all out and play red dead 2.

The Witcher series
The Last of Us
Red Dead Redemption 1-2
God of War