that sounds interesting. Unfortunately for me, I discovered HLBAlbums site in the last 2 weeks before the end of 2019, so I had not really much time to explore that site and understand what was going on there before it went down. So I do not have any info about the background and I there is also not much searchable relevant info on internet about it.
Do you have some links to forums or even better some news articles about that case?
Or are you writing here only what you have heard from someone, so you also do not any confirmed facts about it?
I know that main administrator, Lucifer NightStar has also in some other thread written, that the administrator of HLBAlbums got busted, but when I asked him for some proof like an news article, he did not respond me anything.
So if you have some more relevant info about it, can you please share it with me and others? :-)
I am curious to learn something new that I do not know yet. :-)