I agree with what Redactedboi said and guitar is good instrument to learn for a bunch of reasons. It'll offer you a lifetime of learning and mastering, but you can get to an OK level in under a year, even if you don't practice too much. Also, regarding if you might not have enough time for learning an instrument; if your instrument is portable, you can just pop down on the couch and watch TV while doodling at the same time or doing some other activities while playing simultaneously.
Regardless of what instrument you decide to learn, there should be tons of lessons and tips and how-to-plays just on Youtube alone. Having access to all the resources available on the Internet now should make it easy to find the answer to any question you might have along the way.
Last, check out Reverb and Ebay or your local online marketplace and buy something used. There are tons of great instruments (at least true for guitars and basses) that you can get for just a few hundred dollars that'll last you a very long time.