If you had to live the rest of your life in a new country, which one would you pick?
Norway in a second. Tall, skinny beautiful blonde women...sounds good to me.

Columbia for obv reasons.

Australia, the babes there are 10/10!

Italy. Wine, pizza, pasta.

Most likely Switzerland.

Probably Switzerland, it's the safest country to be in in case of a world disaster and life quality is great there overall.

New Zealand. So much of it just looks so beautiful.

And also I like Lord of the Rings.

Switzerland, they have great chocolate. And it's pretty

I think that will be Japan or Canada.

USA west side, no need more I think.

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Canada is also a good contender, its like a less stupid USA with free healthcare

russia man funny country and i like winter burh

probaby japan just for the food

probably some european country

?I would say Canada, but I live there already. So, maybe a Scandinavian country?

Send me to Asia please!

I would pick Mexico for the adventure times

Many good choices in N Europe, personally either Sweden or Netherlands for me!

Netherlands, not as remote as Sweden, but still most benefits.

Honestly I don't know much about other countries or which would offer this, but if I could find one that has healthcare for all, education for all, and legal weed I'd be one happy mf! Big Grin