Iphone, Android or Windows?
There is still windows phone? Really?

apples product is not recommended , just because of its price.

It's the old question and everybody thinks that his is better.

Android and apple are good. Windows is not that good.
I prefer Android because I sticked to it from the beginning

Only android iphome is overpriced

Only android

iphones are too expensive

I started as an android user but went to iphone in college and never went back. I enjoy the ease of use, exclusive apps, imassaging is a big plus

Iphone for the ease of use with other apple products

Grew up with android, so android is my choice.

Android for a phone, windows over mac.

Prefer Android because the OS itself is far superior ahead of iOS

Windows all the way

zzzzzzzzzzz Wrote:Which do you prefer and why?
Android, all the way, just feel it easier to use, and lately ive found out that it supports some good apps that apple doesnt, on the other hand, my devices (TV for example) work better with this system.

Always Android.

Android, way more open and moddable

iphone ! no question needed

I prefer android, but Windows phone had potencial

If you need the entire Apple ecosystem, iPhone. Otherwise, Android.

iphone is so user friendly

not sure if android is the same, but iphone get annoying trying to force apple apps, like no changing default web browser etc.