Is RDR2 the greatest single-player game of all-time?
Red Dead 2 was a crazy experience to play for the first time, and I still find myself going back to the single-player mode time and time again. It really expanded my appreciation of what story-driven video games could be as a narrative medium. And so naturally the question of whether it is the all-time best arises. The Witcher 3 and Breath of the Wild come to mind as alternatives, but i’m curious to see what other people think.

It’s gotta be close to the top

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Its pretty epic when you compare it to other open world games

It's certainly up there. The storyline was good. But, after seeing some of the cut content I wish it would have been left in.

It's second to The Witcher 3 for me, but oh man was it amazing to play.

The world is impressive, the story on the other hand is comparable to a piss pore attempt at using a western setting to drive home weak modern morality

I like the story and the graphics is phenomenal

it shares the 1st place with witcher 3

Graphics and Gameplay is great. Just didn’t have the time to finish the story

i havent played rdr2 yet but it seems like people say it is about as good as witcher 3 so its probably up there with one of the greats

The Witcher Series would like to have a word.