Job hunting
Is anyone looking for jobs? What do you use to find a job? If you get an offer for an interview, what should you do to prepare for it? If anyone can give some suggestions, I would really appreciate it.

Get your CV amd covering letter reviewed by someone who recruits and into a format compatable with the bots used by HR departments and employment agencies. Tailor your CV to each application. Ask the people inviting you to interview what the interview structure will be and what you can do to prepare. Ensure that you can walk the interviewer through every line on your CV. Don't let failure at interview dishearten you - always ask for feedback and act on it. Never be in a position where you are doing nothing other than applying for jobs - an interviewer isn't interested in someone who sits on their backside all day whilst they are working hard - study or volunteer if you cannot get any job at all.

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Can any give me some suggestions?

I think the advice would be different depending on your career path. I have an office job so no idea if this would be helpful, but the last job I managed to land I got through a consulting aganecy. Just give them your CV and they hand it to everyone and they're more likely to be read because companies already trust the consulting agency. You can get a good few interviews that way.
Other good advice I've heard from other industries is to hand-write your application/CV and send it through the mail, nobody expects that in this digital age so it makes you stand out. Anything you can do to stand out is good. As long as it's legal. Don't show up to an interview naked or with a gun or both.

Use a lot of online job boards and use a template for your resume. A lot of organizations also have their own job application portal, so you can use job boards to find companies that you can then apply directly for. Not sure if that makes a difference tho.