League of Legends Matchmaking LP and MMR 2021
Okay so, currently it is preseason and they've gotten rid of promos in between sub divisions (e.g. gold III to gold II ) which I think is fine, but weird. Because what would happen is your MMR would drop if you won sub division promos 2 wins-1 loss. And then it'd be better if you just demote to reset your MMR, but now idk. One of my biggest pet peeves while playing ranked was once you promote a whole division (silver I to gold IV ) matchmaking will still match you with silvers which I thought is weird. Like if I play games and make it out of an elo of inters why the fuck am I not rewarded with better games? What's the point of having divisions if its just a facade when MMR puts me with the same players of a division I just promoted from? I really wished they changed this, in s11 perhaps.

[+] 1 user Likes kniatos1337's post
Actually rito doesnt give a shit about how competitive the game really is . If you are good you can easily make it to gold , after that depends on how good you are . But what they want to achieve is to make the casual playerbase to reach easier silver/lowgold . the reason is that way you can draw more players to the game. The problem is though the game quality will plummet.

[+] 1 user Likes theog1313's post
  • I really hope they change it sooner or later, even with the new items ranked isn't fun to play. It's like putting a bandaid over a severed limb honestly...

[+] 1 user Likes jp Luvi's post
Yeah nobody is trying just afk, int, and ff. And jg too strong of an impact that no one wants to get jg diff'd so you get supports autofilled jg.