10-12-2020, 09:12 PM
Okay so, currently it is preseason and they've gotten rid of promos in between sub divisions (e.g. gold III to gold II ) which I think is fine, but weird. Because what would happen is your MMR would drop if you won sub division promos 2 wins-1 loss. And then it'd be better if you just demote to reset your MMR, but now idk. One of my biggest pet peeves while playing ranked was once you promote a whole division (silver I to gold IV ) matchmaking will still match you with silvers which I thought is weird. Like if I play games and make it out of an elo of inters why the fuck am I not rewarded with better games? What's the point of having divisions if its just a facade when MMR puts me with the same players of a division I just promoted from? I really wished they changed this, in s11 perhaps.