If this is your first time raising a dog you should find a breed that learns quickly and doesn't require big amounts maintenance. Breeds including Shiba Inus, Huskies and many other high-energy dogs require tons of attention and are a pain to train without proper experience training and raising dogs.
Also, remember that the origin country of the dog breed is where the climate is usually best suited for that dog.
Golden retrievers are a bit plain but they were bred to be friendly and it shows. Might be too large but they are somewhat easy to maintain.
Personally, Cocker Spaniels are what I'd prefer. Friendly, adorable and fast learners. Requires frequent walks but that is only healthy. The most important aspect of family-friendly dogs is more how you raise them and who previously raised them.
If they don't socialize much in their puppy years they usually won't be that friendly regardless of breed.
Not sure what else to recommend, as choosing one is mostly personal taste, but It is better when choosing a breed to know what not to pick than the other way around.
I'm not an expert on dogs though this is just from my experience.