Low contribution detected - I made 6 threads in the last 48 hours. Help please!
Do you mind helping a brother out?  Sad Sad

Hey Guys, 

I've made 6 threads with high quality content over the past 48 hours  - I am not leech. I paid 10 credits for this link 

Low contribution detected - I made 6 threads in the last 48 hours. Help please!.

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, but I cannot see the link. 

I am getting a low contribution detection which has been frustrating. I haven't been able to download anything on the website. 

Low Contribution Detected

Unfortunately our Spam Filters have marked contributor level too Low. This is an automatic action. Consider purchasing an upgrade to unlock more hidden content or contributing more content by making QUALITY threads and posts.

Low contribution detected - I made 6 threads in the last 48 hours. Help please!.

Registered Members Only

You need to be a registered member to see more on Low contribution detected - I made 6 threads in the last 48 hours. Help please!.
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 your account and gain access to a lot of quality content without having to worry about your contributor level.

[+] 10 users Like chickadee's post
Good day.

Looking through your post history, you started out by making a lot of spammy posts the leaks section. This caused your contributor rating to plummet. Now you are in the neutral zone. Soon you'll be in the "green" and soon after that you will regain access to your content.
Please read the FAQ's before you message me.
Message me if you have any issues with the forum

[Image: bde77860ca7faa1f89ec9c4c3771efcb.gif]

[+] 4 users Like Lucifer NightStar's post
Thanks man 

I had made these spammy posts to gather credits because I did not know any other way to generate credits. 

Do you know what contribution level is considered "green"? I'm at 23 right now. I noticed that even with likes or replies to my threads, my contribution level does not rise. Do you know how to increase the contribution level?

I appreciate the help.

[+] 2 users Like chickadee's post
We do not disclose actual numbers because people abuse the system. Its not too hard to maintain a good contributor rating. Read the FAQ on what actually increases your contributor level.
Please read the FAQ's before you message me.
Message me if you have any issues with the forum

[Image: bde77860ca7faa1f89ec9c4c3771efcb.gif]

[+] 1 user Likes Lucifer NightStar's post
Hey mate 
How are you
Just curious how you got a comtributer level so high and also wondering if you got any quick tips on how to boostmy contribute level so I can ccess the content I paid for as mine keeps going down as I post in the lounge?

I've plummeted my rating before noticing how the site worked too. Completely dumb mistake by my part hahahaha

[+] 4 users Like ferr12345's post
I've plummeted my rating as well.. stupid me

how to up contribution level sir? please give tips

Unless I'm wrong, raising your contribution level isn't too difficult or confusing. You basically just want to make threads or posts in the non-leak sections of this forum. Go check out the entertainment or sports or gaming section and read through those. If none of those are your thing then check out the other sections or the lounge. The contribution system seems to be in place to prevent people from just getting the content they want and bailing out. So in order to get the content you want you also need to contribute, either by actually paying for it or by contributing quality threads and posts.

The best way is just making quality posts, and not being spammy.

oops. Same mistake on my end.

If only I knew this beforehand.

Same. It's easy to fall into this trap so quickly. I think the links should start with the "you need credits" otherwise you initially fall for it

Same here. Didn't realise posting on a leak thread first would do this...

This is very helpful

I don't understand anything either

yes i fucked up


Than1ks m1an 

I had made these spammy posts to gather credits because I did not know any other way to generate credits. 

Do you know what contribution level is considered "green"? I'm at 23 right now. I noticed that even with likes or replies to my threads, my contribution level does not rise. Do you know how to increase the contribution level?

I appreciate the help.

This is very helpful