Matrix 4 or John Wick 4?
Matrix 4, maybe some backstory of the Matrix creator

John wick 4 definitely

Would want to see both of them, but if i get excited it would be for JOHN WICK next part

John Wick 4 probably

matrix 4 for me, but wouldn't mind jw4 either. I hope matrix 4 goes deep deep into some philosophical stuff.

The matrix is a classic. Hopefully they don't ruin it.

I didn't grow up with the Matrix as much, so I'm personally more attached to John Wick. I also just love the visuals of John Wick, all the eccentric color palettes and wacky subtitles, it's like almost cheesy and goofy action but like it's still subtle enough that you don't get taken out of the movies from it.

The Matrix 4. It's a thoughtful series. I think it will be an ok movie, and a terrible sequel, but it should have some interesting ideas.

no contest, MATRIX

Matrix 4.

I have high hopes John Wick 4 will be great. Matrix 4 is a mixed bag, which honestly only excites me more.

Keanu will be the president soon

Matrix 4, cant wait

John Wick 4.

franchise revivals are always a botch, such a shame

I am excited for the new matrix movie, as the series was mind blown in its time, and John wick universe not really interesting to me.

I can’t choose excited for both!

Why not both?

John Wick 4 because all John Wick are good.
For me it's hard to believe that Matrix 4 will be any good, it went downhill on 2 and 3... But I'd love to be wrong.

John Wick 4 for me

spacehobo123 Wrote:Which are you most excited to see?
is it too much to ask for both?

Oh this is a tough one. I think Matrix 4, just because it's been so long since the last one