Phone Screen Time
What are some good ways to limit how much you spend on your phone? I pick up my phone probably once every 30 minutes. it's a really bad obsessive habit.

First delete junk apps / games you dont actually need.

Do other things that take up your time. If you're busy doing something else you enjoy you won't think about your phone as much.

Interested to know myself. I spend way too much tome on my phone.

When I'm at home I put the phone down in one location and don't carry it around with me to different rooms.

I only use my phone when I'm in that particular room.

Ya its a really hard habit to break. Iphones let you limit tho in the settings.

There are apps that make your phone "dumb". Basically it limits your phone to only basic apps and saves you battery

doing some chores that needs 100% of your attention

read some interesting books.

Sometimes when I want to disconnect for a bit I just leave it in another room. Or if I'm going for a walk or something, leave it at home

yeah I've also been using my phone a ton more during the quarantine

reading books, taking a walk may have some effects

A fun exercise could be to delete all your apps, and progressively download them as you need them. I did this, and just never downloaded instagram or twitter again, my screen time cut in half and I am honestly living a better life as a result Smile hope this helps!