Porn - For Men or Women
I'm curious to know what the percentage of users are men on here. Of course, it's easy to presume all the users are men as most of the posts are women, but, girls  are the secret perverts!! And some homosexual women probably love the amount effort put into this forum. What's your opinion? Smile

Porn is mostly made for men, because it's easy to make money from. There is porn for women, but not all that much.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
I wonder how many women use this forum though? Angel

There are no girls on the Internet, remember?

Tbqh, probably very few girls on this site. This site is designed for guys who need leaks to see the hotties and thots they want. It's not designed for girls, who'll get 1k dick pics if they simply ask.

Have you forgotten about homosexual women? How do you know I'm not a women? Cool

I'd probably assume like 96% of the people on this forum are dudes

[+] 1 user Likes beastineast's post
Yeah I'd agree it's gotta be like 95%+ men


Idk if women would openly admit their identity or even gender online especially on a porn forum, because they will get some weird attention.

Absolutely - we’ll never know lol

[+] 1 user Likes Youyupyupyo's post
i think too.

I'd guess its mostly men. I don't know any numbers but lets just put it that way... men tend to be much thirstier and more over don't happen to score as likely.

I heard that some women like audio or text porn. not excited by visual element but contexuel things.

[+] 1 user Likes idaho12333's post
That's really interesting. Can you share more on the subject?

yes, generally men like to "see" something, because their goal is looking something to chase (for eat) and detecting threats.. our brain is evolved like this. (of course not every men !)

So men are more excited by visual, they capture a woman who is "beautiful" to give thier DNA. The notion of beautiful changed always, but it was related to big breast and big pelvis for give a bay easly and feed them too.
All kind of living animals' goal is spread thier DNA..
but women were different. If a man give a sperm and she have a baby, it's her responsibility for 10 month of pregnant and take care after as well. man can be free and just go a way..

So I think for woman, there is a kind of defending system, which can filter some situation that she is risked having a baby, so the "context" of sexual intercourse is more important than anything. (of course, some alcool or drug disable that defending system..)

That's why contextuel porn works better for women, I already heard of same porns for "female" in audio format, kind of a guy very sweet speaking gently in a imaginated situation who calm down and excite woman for that she can touch herself in this "context".

Mayby it depends also the culture of each contry, each familly, because after that we discovered how we can have sex but not making baby, everything is changed.

I think porn is widely watched and made to arouse both men and women. However,men watched more pore than women.

im sure theres some women on here. you cant rule out lesbians for example.

i think men and women lmen watch porn roughly at the same percentage, men are just more open about it.

Its for anyone who wants to view it tbh

[+] 1 user Likes Kai V Anderson's post
I would have to say it's mostly men. I feel like women wouldn't go out of their way for leaks.

Why do you think men porn look better than women

[+] 1 user Likes md9696's post