Real or fake boobs?
Prefer real ones and if they have to be fake then they better be really trashy stripper bolt ons Tongue

real although if done well fake would be fine as long as I can’t tell they’re fake haha

Real every time. Fakes just dont look right

i think anyone would agree with real being the choice. plastic can be quite the turnoff for many

Real for sure, but I'm not finicky when I'm in the bonezone

real all the way, fake boobs just look like they wouldn’t be soft at all

Real, fake is idiotic

I’ve got no problem either way, you find shit tits either way. The only ones that really put me off are the cheap fakes that end up too far apart.

real, i rarely see any fakes that actually look good

Real, but I won’t pretend some people get some very realistic looking fakes.

Real boobs are nice but I think fake ones can be just as good if they are done well. Not those boobzilla ones xD

Would have to say real, though fake doesn't bother me much.

What about uneven boobs? Do they look better for you than fake?

real one. Never seen best fake boobs

Real. But never had an girl with fake boobs, so my opinion doesn't matter i guess

of course real

Real. Not sure why fake boobs are so popular. I get it if maybe they're a little small but they all take it too far.

real wtf question is this

Real. Only fake if I can't tell they're fake, lol.

Real always but fake sometimes does it