09-04-2021, 03:17 AM
So here is the thing. I had a breakup with my gf due to me moving to another country. Shortly afterwards, I met another women that was more than just my type and we got pretty intimate for about two weeks. I really loved it and considering the outward appearance it was perfect... but there was almost nothing to talk about with her but her job and to say it wasn't a very interesting conversation would be nice since she always said the same things. I kept in contact with my ex and we met up again and decided to give it a try even though I would be so far away. The relationship flourished and we have never been happier. I kinda feel like shit because of sleeping with the other women during that time. Should I speak to her about it? Or do I need to? Since we technically weren't together and I don't know how she would handle it... Sorry for the long story.