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Upgrade for Free.
You guys are making the right moves

Good idea, got try to find some friends to join

Sounds like a good system Smile thanks for coming up with a creative solution!

Thanks for the info

seems good, i'll try to invite as many as i can

How do i get people to click my link  Confused Shy

Not a bad idea...just gotta find that many people to invite lol

Very useful information to take account

seems a bit hard imo

seems a tad bit weird

thats great

Such a good idea. Really looking out for the community for sure

Lucifer NightStar Wrote:Nuestro equipo recientemente se ha dado cuenta de que muchas personas tienen problemas para pagar una actualización y pensamos que sería bueno que estos usuarios, que disfrutaban participando en los foros, aún pudieran acceder al contenido. Después de una gran discusión, se nos ocurrió una opción que permite a los usuarios contribuir al foro de una manera diferente, para alentar el crecimiento del foro y les permite actualizar su cuenta de forma gratuita.

Estamos anunciando una prueba de una nueva forma de actualizar cuentas sin gastar un solo centavo. 

Tenemos un sistema de invitación que registra cuántos usuarios ha invitado al foro. Puede encontrar este enlace en su Panel de control de usuario. 

[Image: g80DvoJ.png]

El formato es 


Los siguientes serán los requisitos para obtener actualizaciones gratuitas. 

SI un usuario refiere a 50 miembros ->   Actualización Elite gratuita
SI un usuario refiere cualquier número de usuarios y 3 miembros referidos se actualizan a Elite, mediante la compra del estado Elite -> Actualización Elite gratuita
si un usuario refiere cualquier número de usuarios y 2 miembros referidos actualizaciones a Onyx, comprando -> Actualización Elite gratuita

si un usuario refiere a 100 miembros -> Membresía Onyx gratuita
si un usuario refiere cualquier número de usuarios y 5 miembros referidos se actualizan a Elite ->  Actualización Onyx gratuita si un usuario refiere alguna Número de usuarios y 3 miembros referidos se actualizan a Onyx -> Actualización gratuita de Onyx 

Entonces, para aclarar:

para obtener el estatus Elite, puede hacer CUALQUIERA DE LO SIGUIENTE :
  • Recomienda 50 miembros
  • Recomiende cualquier número X de miembros y haga que un  mínimo de 3 de sus miembros referidos se actualicen a Elite
  • Consulte cualquier número X de miembros y haga que un mínimo de 2 miembros se actualice a Onyx

Para obtener el estado de Onyx puede:
  • Recomienda 100 miembros
  • Recomiende cualquier número X de miembros y haga que un mínimo de 5  de sus miembros referidos se actualicen a Elite
  • Refiera cualquier número X de miembros y haga que un mínimo de 3  miembros se actualice a Onyx

Por favor, comprenda que no aprobamos ni alentamos el envío de spam a otros foros / reddit o discords con su enlace de referencia. Úselo sin pensarlo. Compártalos con amigos, correos electrónicos, lugares que visita, servidores de discordia y otros lugares con moderación. También tenga en cuenta que la membresía de Onyx como esta será por 1 año.

Tenga en cuenta que estas actualizaciones también se verifican manualmente, por lo que la creación de cuentas falsas dará lugar a una BAN.

Con suerte, con este nuevo sistema, los usuarios que no pueden actualizarse financieramente tienen la opción de hacerlo. Además de hacer crecer este increíble foro.

thanks for the information

decent system but damn that's a lot of invites!

fidelium10 Wrote:I referred 229 members and out of that, 7 upgraded to either elite or onyx. The admin team still hasn't upgraded my account. PM'ed Lucifer NightStar and he told me it might take 24 hrs for the upgrade. He said that a couple of days back and no reply from him since then. Has anyone ever got the free upgrade?
I am taking time out of my vacation to respond to this snide comment.

You made this post, on Christmas day! I would have expected some empathy around the holidays that we spend time with family, have other obligations. I receive over 100 PMS everyday.

I responded and explained to you that we needed to verify the authenticity of your "referrals" and asked where you had advertised. This would have been easy to verify as we can tell where how big an audience you have advertised to thus, we would have known if the users were legitimate or not. You chose to give us NO information and vague responses, as is your right, and thus I was forced to refer this to our in-house developer to verify, as is my prerogative. Again, it is the holiday season ,the one time when everything slows down, specially on Christmas day when you chose to take this post.

For the record we get maybe 2-3 users a week who try this, and most of them use fake accounts to boost up their numbers in the hopes of getting an upgrade and thus are quickly banned. 

At this point, as frustrating as it is, all I can do is just advise you to wait. Once the developer is done, you will be upgraded. 

Just FYI, A very few LEGITIMATE users have earned this upgrade. Some got to Onyx.

Lucifer NightStar Wrote:Our team has recently been made aware that many people have trouble paying for an upgrade and we thought it would be nice if these users, who enjoyed participating on the forums were still able to access content. After a big discussion, we came up with an option that allows users to contribute to the forum in a different way,  to encourage growth of the forum and allow them to Upgrade their account for free

We are announcing a trial of a new way to upgrade you account without spending a single dime. 

We have an invite system that logs how many users you have invited to the forum. You can find this link in your User Control Panel. 

[Image: g80DvoJ.png]

The format is 


The following will be the requirements to get free upgrades. 

IF a User refers 50 Members      -->  Free Elite Upgrade
IF a User refers any number of Users and 3 referred members upgrade to Elite, by purchasing Elite Status    --> Free Elite Upgrade
If a User refers any number of Users and 2 referred member upgrades to Onyx, by purchasing      --> Free Elite Upgrade

If a user refers 100 Members      --> Free Onyx membership
If a User refers any number of Users and 5 referred members upgrade to Elite  --> Free Onyx Upgrade
If a User refers any number of Users and 3 referred members upgrade to Onyx  --> Free Onyx Upgrade

So for clarification:

To earn Elite Status you could do ANY OF THE FOLLOWING:
  • Refer 50 members
  • Refer any X number of members and have a minimum of 3 of your referred members upgrade to Elite
  • Refer any X number of members and have a minimum of 2 members upgrade to Onyx

To Earn Onyx Status you could:
  • Refer 100 members
  • Refer any X number of members and have a minimum of 5 of your referred members upgrade to Elite
  • Refer any X number of members and have a minimum of 3 members upgrade to Onyx

Please understand that we do not condone nor encourage spamming other forums/reddit or discords with your referral link. Please use it without thought. Share them with friends, emails, places you visit, discord servers and other places sparingly. Also note that the Onyx Membership like this will be for 1 year.

Please Note that these Upgrades are also verified manually so creating fake accounts will lead to a BAN

Hopefully with this new system, users who are financially unable to upgrade have an option to do so. As well as grow this incredible forum.
It would be interesting to see how this all unfolds on the backend. Since implementation of the free upgrade referral system, have paid conversion rates gone up? Smart add if you've seen a boost!

Still new and learning how to do this

Koo nc to kn that

This is great i love it

great idea!!!

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