What do you do for exercise?/Exercise basics?
Hey all!

I'm at a point where I got my diet in a good spot. Eating lots of protein, lots of veggies, carbs to a minimum.

What do you guys do for exercise?

I get winded very easily after being out of shape for a good 5 years or so. I know I have to do cardio...just not sure if I should do HIIT or old school cardio.

Thanks in advance guys!

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Glad to hear you’ve got the diet on lock!

A few years back I got a deskcycle for cardio as I was making too many excuses to not get out to the gym. From there I would do about 30 min of intense cardio 4x a week while watching TV or gaming or what have you. Lost 20 lbs in 2 months with the diet in place too.

Something like that is good and relatively inexpensive for just keeping up your heart rate and getting a good sweat in while you can do something lazy (so long as you’re disciplined enough to tackle it and actually break the sweat). But if you were wanting to get into competitive sports or anything like that you’ll have to do a heck of a lot more.

go for long walks on a empty stomach

I play Ice Hockey, and gym a couple times a week. But nothing serious in the gym. I mostly do it so I can play better hockey and eat what I want.
I don't do much in terms of diet either but I try to cook from fresh as much as possible, stay away from jars of sauces and anything type of ready meal. 
I went veggie for a month last year and lost a few pounds even though my portions where the same size. I deffo recommend it if you're looking to loose weight. 
I now just try and buy quality meat (not from supermarket) and have at least one fish and meat free day a week.

Mix up the HIIT and Cardio. HIIT can be done in 45 minutes or less. Cardio workouts like running/elliptical/cycling should be done in in 45 minutes or more.

My routine is quite simple, I take the stairs instead of the elevator, get off my bus stop a few stops early to walk.

Then at home I do squats and push-ups. I'm actually doing my push ups now, just taking a quick break, no need to overdo it.

if ur going to hit the weights, you can literally do squats and deadlifts all day and you'll get stole just from that

I run 10k every damn day - and then pretty much eat what I want.

Mixing up HIIT and jumping rope have been a good mix for me.

i run for 10 minutes then do a 4 day upper body/lower body split focusing on compond exercises/movements (i.e. squats, deadlifts, barbell chest press at various levels of incline, pull ups, overhead barbell press etc.)

The best type of exercise is the exercise you do i.e. find something you like and can do continiously. Thus, it doesn't matter if its HIIT, walking, soccer etc. I like weightlifting and if i was to do any cardio i would play soccer etc.

I've been trying to run a lot more too, I get winded easily too, but I think it's because I have asthma, so I got an inhaler. I used to workout at the gym a lot, but stopped the past few years. I think doing some running (10-20 min a day) is the best way to go.

Jogging/running or elliptical machine

I run for cardion, then do 5x5 stronglifts for strength training

I go to the gym three times a week. Run five days a week. Walk 24km twice a week. Keeps me fit enough.

i would recommended go to the gym or simply exercise (like running, sports or just do some push up) for 1-2 hours a day then you'll be fit in a month and also remember to eat beef to have some energy

Football. Running. Visiting the gym often

imdajuggernut Wrote:Hey all!

I'm at a point where I got my diet in a good spot. Eating lots of protein, lots of veggies, carbs to a minimum.

What do you guys do for exercise?

I get winded very easily after being out of shape for a good 5 years or so. I know I have to do cardio...just not sure if I should do HIIT or old school cardio.

Thanks in advance guys!
I don't do cardio.Infact i hate cardio.
I am following "push,pull,leg" system for couple of years now.And i think it's really helpful.
Here's what i do in the gym:
fri day: push ( lats,traps,rowing for back )
sat day: leg
sun: biceps & forearm ( because my arms aren't the best responding mussels of my body. if yours respond well then yoy can skip this)
mon:push( chest & triceps)
wed: abs
tus: off

push ups and deadlifts thats it

2 Mile run/Push-ups/Dead lifts