When do you think the pandemic will end?
no time soon tbh

hard to say. i doubt it'll be over within the next year tho.

Honestly? Its anyone's guess. It could end next July or 2 years from now. Its all based one whether or not people continue to be ignorant about wearing masks and keeping their distance. Some people don't even practice basic hygiene, like washing your hands, which is super important. Im sure we we will soon enough get a vaccine but for right now we just gotta keep ourselves and others safe and get through this

Early next year but i think its gonna be different from country to country

January 2021.

next time, ok? i dont like

I will go about my normal activities once i have a vaccine

1918 flue seemed to last at least two years

Maybe when anti maskers die off and stop spreading the virus ? Give it two or three years.

At least a year before the general population gets some sort of vaccine

I'm betting on late spring 2021.

My money is on april 2021

Apparently states are being told to prepare to distribute a vaccine in November, though this may just be a ploy for trump to get votes.

I don’t know but it’s ridiculous. Have to wear a damn mask in the gym now even while working out. If people could learn to wash their hands and not put their damn fingers in their mouth after touching nasty shit we wouldn’t be in this place. Oh, and besides eating bats in China.

I don't believe it will ever be gone but I do believe it will become exceedingly rare past 2022.

Hope January/February 2021

Unless vaccine is made, I think never. Yes, we cant close schools forever etc., but the virus will stick around and we'll have to find a way to make it work.

It will become seasonal eventually

Next year, though I think governments will want further lockdown, people won't have that though. I mean, we've had protests and stuff going on against lockdown for a while now, I think it'll be something that people will have to fight for to get their normality back.

it will depend on the country I'd say. Developed countries will have more leverage for early access to the vaccine and can distribute them much quicker than others.

Even for developed countries the delay in getting everyone vaccinated for herd immunity will not happen until 2022-2023 I reckon.