Youtube censor.
What do you think about the censor in Youtube, do you think they are excessive with the censor ?

[+] 1 user Likes Charle Martin's post
like f-word on a song?

Exemple i was listening a french video,  and he explained than he vas censored by youtube because he said the word "ass"

YouTube's censor system is all sorts of strange. While they have a political angle to it, you can get away with cuss words in kid videos, but then it'll censor it in a music video. It's like they have some weird spergs running their censoring system.

i think the biggest problem is that uploaders dont know the rules they have to abide by, so its not just about following the rules to not get censored, but also about guessing what the rules are.

of course, youtube itself probably doesnt know all of the rules either, given their heavy usage of black box "ai's" and "algorithms". they just know the stuff which they manually blacklist, which they still arent transparent about.

Is it true that the YouTube algorithm only scans the first 30 seconds of a video?

They're a bunch of pussies

YouTube goes waaay too far with it, but they also miss a lot of stuff. There's porn, horses fucking, boobs and other explicit stuff on there that's looked over

I thinks its stupid, they have created youtube "kids" , so why they censor the video like we are kids. Its not at us to watch our word but to the parent to watch their kids.

no they dont have to do it

I think youtube DCMA is a load of peanuts. thats what