Contribution level
Being honorable with stolen content is hilariously ironic.

Thank you it’s been quite confusing so far not sure if I’ve done any of it right, this clears it up a bit.

Yeah I spent my 10 credits to unlock something, but in doing so it dropped my contributor level, so I can't even see the link anyways lmao

Was searching for the answer on how to increase my contribution level. As you may know, we have no time to read t&c when we sign up to this

damn i didnt realise how this worked

so, how can i upgrade my reputation level and get credits?

so, how can i upgrade my reputation level and get credits?

It’s pretty confusing

thanks for the info, helped a lot

It's a pretty terrible system if you ask me

man i just want that one unlock Sad

So which is the number of contributor level to get green?

i started to think this system is a scam to get you money. maybe the links even exists

even commenting here take your contributor level way down!!

By how much?

I think that what makes people confused is having two "metrics" the credits and the contributor level.

Simplifying it to just 1 would make things way more easy to understand

#76 you know now?

It's very confusing indeed! Spending credits lowered my contribution so I cant see that which I spent credits on...

Credits, and Contribution loss goes 1:1. ^

Digging a hole is so easy but getting out is so hard. It’s like the opposite of real life

thanks for this information