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Contributor Level Clarification
Great. My level was 10, and I paid 10 credits on a thread and apparently it's not high enough and I just lost 10 credits. Thats not fair

Ah, this is helpful
Thanks for the info

Basically, the only way your level drops below zero is commenting in the leaks section. So just dont comment there and you should always have your level increasing.

Quote:26-02-2021, 09:13 PM
Guess my account's a goner now.

I was at -85 so it's definitely not. I leaked some but now I'm going to stop leaking because as others, I am not getting the answer that I needed when I raise it.

My levvel is at +10 and I still can't see links I used credits on... have things changed?

[+] 2 users Like chubbyquan's post
I second this. I already paid for the credits. But i was at negative controbutor level at that time. Now i got more than 10 but it was still saying my contributor level is low. Please help.

Thanks i was looking for that info

I understand it fully now thanks

yo thats mind blowing thanks.

Posted a few in the non leak sections and i dropped from - 5 to - 15.... What?

I understand your frustration and I can see a few problems with demanding content to be posted... This can only last for so long, people can only deliver so much content. Unless the website is blatantly farming cash, which is a choice they can make and despite my personal choices, I can't say that they are wrong.

The thing is: Porn is never meant to be free, the internet just made it that way and now you pay with your data. This website is not some NGO (AFAIK).

Thanks for the Comments I was really wondering why my Level was so low. Thank ya  <3

thank you for the information, but maybe is not that simple?

Does anyone know how much the contributor level has to be to unlock links?

so how do you raise your contribution level?

Thanks for the explanation

I wonder how people get to 100+ so fast, even with spam I think there's some mechanism in place that doesn't allow that.

Thanks for clearing the confusion

thanks for the info.

Thanks for the clarification

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