Contributor level
Great explanation, thank you!

And I agree, it’s a good system.

Ah, I get it now, I was kinda confused at first.

I think I like this system

I wish I would’ve read this sooner. I’m negative and didn’t even know it.

Seems clear enough, will try to abide by these "rules"

Great explanation! Thank you for posting, that clears things up quite a bit.

Thanks for the explanation  Smile


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i just don't know it

i see, makes sense

That is really clear explanation. Thanks for explaining

Interesting though

Still very confused, I've been trying to contribute but my posts arent getting posted.. I'm just trynna get some credits and not have -31231254 contribution so I can get an album I paid for.

What contributor level do you need to actually be able to download an album?

Well, this explain nearly everything but would help a lot if its show just where is the line of good or bad rep like between 10 and -10 you are neutral for example

That was really helpful! Thanks!

Still dont understand, how to get Contributor Level.

Thanks for the explanation

Is this still the case or have the rules changed since 2019? Thank you

Thanks for explanation

Thanks for the explanation

Thanks for making it clear, wish I'd discovered this sooner lmao